Hi there, my office plankton.

The guys from the first stream of training (3 out of 20 people, which I did not expect) left their main jobs “for a boss”, which makes me very happy as a mentor.

I don’t like to write this, as well as various pictures with money (as you may have noticed).

Not $ changes the history, but actions, education and information.

This situation prompted me to this post – whether to leave work “for a boss”

After receiving the first money, the head works differently, immediately plans are made for a car in X months and a villa by the sea in Y years. Few people think about reinvestment and further development, which is sad, albeit logical. Most likely because anyone wants to immediately start living the way they have never lived and no matter what level of income they have moved to.

But a cool head and calculations are always important.

To begin with, we look at the front camera and ask: “Will I be able to?”, “Am I confident in myself”, “Do I need it at all?” It seems simple, but not everyone can start a new life after burning bridges. Some are blown away by laziness, some enter the comfort zone and cannot keep up with the speed of business development, and some simply do not know how to manage money. In fact, we can dwell on these issues.

 Success, in most cases, is achieved by self-confident people who know what they want and go to the goal. If you just got up from your chair, hit the table with your fist and said “Yes, your fucking mother, it’s me!”. Then everything will work out for you, you will live your life as you want, and with almost 100% probability you can change your life for the better.

From the point of view of the law, I can not say anything, since I have never worked and did not have to study my rights, but I found myself at the start several times.

 So. If it has already occurred to you to quit your job, you need to make sure that there is a financial cushion for at least a couple of months in advance for a fulfilling life. I do not argue, with a burning ass, everything is done faster, but the quality suffers. Despite the stress that anyone will have (on different scales, because the separation from what “is now” and what “will come later” scares everyone, the brain always follows the path of least resistance, which will bring nothing new), you need to understand exactly what you are doing and why. That is, the goal. Money just for the sake of money, few people manage to earn (mainly those who just like to look at them). You also need a true desire for change. And I’ll provide the rest.

For a long time I have not written posts related to life, not just earnings, so I propose to refresh your memory on how to spend money correctly, and how to allocate time (you will like it). ) Better to browse the channel yourself, quite a lot of information would be worth remembering to prepare for the seminar. Well, according to the new tradition, another coupon for 5000 rubles will get to the fastest.

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