Advertising. How much letters is in this word. It is everywhere and only gaining momentum. A bunch of services, promotion methods, sources and payment models. You can’t imagine life without it. And this means great prospects for development and earnings. As you may have noticed, at the moment I am actively advertising my channel in Telegram as I adore this audience, there will be a surprise at the end of the post.
Despite my many years of experience in promoting offers, I had to tinker with promoting the channel. It’s a completely different world in terms of advertising. Lack of smart feeds, any normal assistant services (except for Telemeter), and at least some adequate targeting. Everything is done roughly by an eye, and the target audience is groped almost by instinct. Add to all this rather expensive placements (in the investment topic, I wrote how much each subscriber costs me approximately), and a lot of bot channels with just scammers.
After another purchase of advertising, I exhaled and fell in love with my traffic exchanges with renewed vigor, where I “buy” the user’s attention to their favorite CBD and lotto products. Everything is clear, fine targeting, different forms of attracting customers and much more.
Since we have touched on Telegram, it cannot be denied that this is also a traffic source. Let’s see how you can use it to find buyers for our tickets, as we previously discussed the launch of an adult campaign (I highly recommend reading it).
Every day in Telegram, the increase is 500 thousand users, and different channels are read by 80 million people, generating 30 billion views, bite off some of which is easy to sell several tickets a day around the world.
In terms of targeting, I advise you to pay attention to the countries where Telegram is popular and where the population is well acquainted with lotteries. These are (don’t be surprised) Iran, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Iraq, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Baltic countries, the USA and many others. Everyone wants to try their luck by buying a ticket, which cannot but please us.
First, we need to decide on the country.
Let it be Armenia (I took it from the head, news channels are very popular there, they will approve almost any post and not for a high price). We decide on the lottery itself. For example, MegaMillions (many people just hear about it), create a channel (I think you will figure it out) and make a beautiful post with triggers, a picture below, and so on. In our case, it is possible in Russian, but it is better to translate as I wrote here. We add a couple of news about the lucky winners to the channel, a little information on how to buy the ticket itself, create, as always, a campaign in our favorite tracker, with approximately the same landing page, insert the generated link into the post, shorten it beforehand and purchase placements on other channels.
I do not recommend making advertising posts with a call to purchase directly. People should study the material, understand whether they need an offer, and only then buy.
According to my conservative forecasts, you can take advertising on five channels for about 1000 rubles, from which you can get about 25-50 thousand post views and at least 30 purchases for a minimum 5 dollars of reward. This is about 9-10 thousand rubles. I figured everything out to the very minimum, but nevertheless, just with Telegram, you can make good sales in just a few days.
And a small present for the fastest (to enroll, click Start in bot).
Subscribe to my telegram channel: t.me/joinchat/SQ8nBNRjr78YozvM
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