How to apply cases?

Hello. I have shown examples of my advertising campaigns on the channel many times. Successful ones, where for 5000 rubles I bought the traffic of the whole country or an adult campaign with sweepstakes, and unsuccessful ones, where I just lost $5000. Some could immediately start repeating my cases, but now I will tell you that not everything is so simple and how such posts should be read for maximum benefit, and not like another read shit on the Internet.

To begin with, I will explain that no one on the entire Internet will ever give you cases of perfectly working campaigns, just like single super-cappers will not give their forecasts. This is ok, no one will share their money, no matter how much you want it.

Cases usually consist of all the information that is needed to launch a campaign – the source of traffic, the offer itself, a small targeting from the tracker, the country, the rate with the payment model for the ad buyout, and the advertising materials themselves with their tricks and subtleties.

The cases describe the launch of the campaign and the solution of the problems that rise during its setup. I publish them only for your thoughts on my campaigns, so that looking at mine, you launch yours a hundred times cooler. Bur even more as the food for the mind. The success of these campaigns depends on many factors, which we will talk about later, but repeating others is a dead end! Study cases only to learn from other people’s experience and mistakes, in order to gain experience and apply some solutions in your practice. To do this, I have some tips for you.

1) First you need to study the offer itself. Does it still work, what is its seasonality, what are approaches for the target audience? Ask the manager how they buy it now and, if necessary, replace it with a similar one, if you really want to try to repeat the case. After all, drained offers are often published in case studies, which have become worse sold than during the first launches.

2) Traffic source and its type. If ads were shown to users, for example, via banners, then it makes sense to try to launch them from a different type, for example, from push notifications. The source itself also makes difference a lot. It makes sense to use a different one with other sites, that is, sites on which our advertising materials will be shown.

3) The creatives themselves. Never (!) use other people’s creatives. Even if you don’t read the cases. Let’s say you find a cool banner in the spy service, improve it as you see fit and only then launch it, this is very important! There is no better picture or text rather than written by yourself! But this is a topic for a separate post.

4) Broad targeting. It is not worth launching just one campaign exactly like on a successful case. It, with a 90% probability, was not launched alone, but survived tests and selection. You need to launch with the maximum target for all devices, browsers, OS, and so on. And only after the test, with the help of the tracker, we make black or white sheets in order to leave only the best parameters.

5) Bid, that is, the rate for the redemption of clicks or views of our advertising promos. You also always need to test it yourself. For now, I advise you to just start with the minimum and increase it by 30% until you find the ideal one that consistently brings the maximum profit. You can only work form the bid in the cases, but never take it seriously.

And the most important rule is to think with your head. Without this one, no one has yet managed to earn anything. Test, study information, come up with new things and conquer the heights. I will always help you with this.

I highly recommend reading the article about Investing. Into yourself and your brain! Absorb knowledge and always keep your eye on the market!

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